Seven Pounds
Language : English
Year : 2008
Medical Theme : Trauma / Organ Donation / Heart transplant
Actors : Will Smith, Woody Harrelson, Rosario Dawson, Michael Ealy, Elpida Carrillo
Storyline : Translating the tension into a story of romance, tragedy and mystery Seven Pounds is an intriguing plot to the audience who visualize snippets that are completely disconnected portraying a perplexing behavior of Will Smith’s troubled psyche. It’s only during the climax you realize that the emotionally trauma stricken Smith decides to give away his body parts to seven people who deserve to live life to the fullest extent as he is unable to overcome the loss of his wife to an accident. His friend Barry Pepper though worried about his state of mind is the only person aware of what Will intends to do and opposes but no luck. The most important donation “his heart” to Emily Posa a tax delinquent with a weak heart but a good human being is where you do not see a regular romance but a parable of a good person trying to do the right thing. This skillful acting ensemble is worth a watch.
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