dimanche 5 mai 2002

Film Medical Theme: Maladie de Pompe

Extreme Measures - Film Medical Theme: Maladie de Pompe

Extreme Measures

Language : English

Year : 2010

Medical Theme : Pompe's Disease/Medical Research

Actors : Brendon Fraser, Harrison Ford, Keri Russell

Storline : Extreme Measures is a movie that brings forward to its audience an understanding about Myopathy (muscle weakness) caused due to Pompe’s disease (acid maltose deficiency). The movie depicts the true life story of two dying children suffering with this disease. The weakening of the muscles due to build up of glycogen, affects various parts of the body especially heart, liver and skeletal muscles. Brendon Fraser enacts the role of the father, John Crowley- the bio-technology executive determined to raise the fund of 100 million dollar to save his children. The movie not just brings out the suffering of the children with the disease but the way medical practices and researches are conducted too. The movie is based on a deep subject yet worth watching as it’s an eye opener to a lot of things in the medical field that you could update yourself with.


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