lundi 11 mars 2002

Film Medical Theme: Dyslexie


Language : English

Year : 2001

Medical Theme : Dyslexia

Actors : Kathryn Hare, Ron Moody, Drew Pautz, Matthew Pidgeon

Storyline : When Jeremy sets out to learn the piano, perhaps the greatest obstacle in his path to reach 'chopsticks standard' is not his own musical dyslexia but his blind faith in his tyrannical tutor.

Clarence and Angel - Film Medical Theme: DyslexieClarence and Angel

Language : English

Year : 1980

Medical Theme : Dyslexia

Actors : Darren Brown, Mark Cardova, Izola Armstrong

Storyline : Clarence is a new boy in school recently arrived in New York from the rural south. Angel is already there. Clarence has dyslexia, a reading difficulty. Angel is hyperactive; both disturb the class and are punished. They meet, talk, share their experiences and Angel helps Clarence to read.


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